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Christmas 2011 - New Year 2012

Friday's Fave Five is a meme wherein participants list five best things from their week. Now not every week is great for everyone, and that's where the challenge to come up with blessings lies. Do you hear gratitude? Or optimism? A few days before this just-concluded Christmas, I had to try finding what's good in a week that involved a seriously lacerated forehead on top of having to work on Christmas day.

Too much multi-tasking amidst anemic symptoms sent me bleeding to the ER. Two surgeons hovered over me. "Fifty-two," said one to the other. And the stitching began. I gleaned my week's best through sutures, anesthesia and an anti-tetanus shot.
i. It was fifty-two, not fifty-three stitches or more. I'd take that and be thankful.  

ii. The presence of a friend. So much for independence and pride in doing things single-handedly. I mean going through all that alone was possible, but someone to whom you can say ouch without worrying how you look is comfort I wouldn't exchange for anything that week. 

iii. Making it to work the next evening and onward. Thank God for antibiotics and painkillers I was back in the lecture hall the next evening poise intact.

iv. Learning questions. The interview (at the hospital) made me review my lifestyle. Do you smoke? - once in a blue moon, drink? - just the occasional martini, etc.... and then I had to chuckle at, "are you sure nobody hit you?"

v. Good-natured neighbors and colleagues. Half my face was swollen and numb, right eye was a red grape I know I look awful I should lock myself up but I had to work and those who were unfortunately subjected to the sight of me kept it civil. The Australian guy who hangs out at the corner shop where I pass by to work was the first to greet me merry Christmas after asking what happened. 

It was indeed Christmas, black eye or not. And although I was working on the 24th til the 25th, it was up to me how to tweak traditional celebrations and celebrate the season. I'm glad I had that option. Here's to an even more rocking 2012!


  1. 2012 will be better! It should be! Let's kill this bitch!

  2. that was painful. hope you are ok now. same with clint hoping that 2012 will be better to you - Jim

  3. Looking for blessings through difficult times is what makes someone stand out and succeed for many endeavors. Keep up the optimism! I'm with you! ;)c5 @ Go, Mommy, Go!

  4. you are Blessed.Keep thanking God and be optimistic and evrything will turn out smoothly.

  5. it's really hard to find something good in our lives during bad times so kudos to you. hope you're ok now.

  6. its great to know you are ok na and was able to count the stitches, that is too much but yes, blessings come in so many ways, yours comes on a new day. Take care always. God bless

  7. Sometimes, the hardest times are the sweetest. Just be thankful that on that day, it made you realize of the blessings you have; a good friend and neighborhood, a fast recovery, a merry Christmas, etc. But I am still hoping for a healthier life sayo. :) Take care lagi.

  8. Oh my gosh! I didn't know that can happen! :-s Glad you are recovered now and also learned something from the experience. :) Have another great week ahead! :D

  9. take care always, this 2012 you will be blessed

  10. I was trying to find why you get injured but can't find it so just be careful next Christmas. Just kidding.

  11. Are yo really sure nobody hit you? hihi..kidding aside, the company is lucky to have you coz even if you're hurt you still managed to go to work on those days.. take care! Happy 2012! :)

  12. sad christmas story but there are still a lot of reasons to thank God.Happy 2012!

  13. Wow. That's what I call dedication ... grabe! Ang tyaga mo. I hope you are feeling better ... sabi nga nila, there's a rainbow always after the rain.

  14. every pain has a reward in the end... hoping that this 2012 is your year... keep up the passion, keep the optimism and set realistic visions and you're on.all the best

  15. fun game, sad story. Hope you are okay now.

  16. The company was so lucky to have you, good to know that you are ok now

  17. The simple truth that you're alive and was able to come up with his article is a lot to be thankful for already. I myself is a survivor!

  18. Wow, what a Christmas. I like your reinforcement of positivity though... too right, thank God it was only 52 stitches! Seriously, I hope you're ok now. That sounds like a long gnash... hope it heals well!

  19. Too much multi-tasking against anemic symptoms, it's there but come on don't give me another Christmas like this. lol!


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