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More laughter than tears

It has been raining a lot in my part of the world. There have been storm signals again. We are crossing our fingers. I take a walk around the neighborhood.

i. Everything smells fresh
ii. Sunshine bathes the plants

iii. In the afternoon, grey skies appear again. But as a pluviophile I have fun thinking, "ta-ta it looks like rain..."

The next day I sort out a little problem with my passport. Having it replaced takes time. I re-book my return flight to Bangkok twice. This 'glitch' is causing issues at my job though I choose to be optimistic. Whatever happens I hope I am ready.

iv. So here comes Mr. Helpful of the Department of Foreign Affairs. He appeals my case in the Manila office and apologizes profusely for the delay although it's not his fault. That is enough for me. I am grateful for the positive attitude, and I celebrate that with a choco harmony treat.

(Aunt Ludi, Robinson Gensan)

v. I'd like to share these words, and a picture that my inner world relates with.

"As I stumble through this life,
help me to create more laughter than tears.

Never let me become so indifferent,
that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child.

Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people,
make them forget, at least momentarily, the unpleasantness in their lives, 

and in my final moment, may I hear You whisper:

"'When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.'" ~ Unknown


  1. Stay dry and hope your passport issues gets resolved soon.

  2. Chocolate is always a great way to handle problems. Such a pretty fall of water in the first photo.

  3. Please spare me some of your abundant rain, my garden languishes with rattling dry leaves in our incessant heat.
    Random acts of kindness like spreading cheer, make life worth living.

  4. Love the poem. I hope the rain has stopped and your passport problems are taken care of. Have a happy day!

  5. "When you made my people smile you made me smile." I love that line! Have a grand have some wonderful photos!

  6. your sunshine looks splendid. We have been grey here for weeks. It is somewhat sunny today but the winter temps. have taken a dip...below zero with the wind chill.

  7. What lovely photos! So good to see with as cold as it has been here this week.

    Hurray for help from the Department of Public Affairs!

  8. I enjoyed the quote you shared! Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I wonder if there is a word for snow lovers? :)

    Singing in the rain is much more fun than crying in the rain.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely tropical flowers and plants. It's such a pleasant change to my world of white.

    Hope your passport troubles are sorted soon.

  10. I think FFF helps us see the laughter even in the tears, don't you? Sounds like, all in all, you had a good week. Hope there's a great one ahead for you, too.

  11. This must be 'word week'. Pluviophile is a new one for me. Growing up in the Pacific North West of US, I became a pluviophile out of necessity and finally left when I became inundated with the dampness. Here where I live now, there is drought and little rain, so perhaps I'll return to my love of precipitation some day.

    I'm glad that Mr. Helpful was able to expedite your passport. Those little books are essential but sometimes can be so annoying.

  12. Lovely green shots! Plus the food, too! Love the rain, too ... :)
    Awwww, andito ka pa sa Pinas (Gensan)? Been to Gensan once only. Stayed at East Asia Hotel, if memory serves me right. lol. That was ages ago!
    Hope your passport problem has been resolved already!

    thanks so much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, Hazel
    take care and safe trip!


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