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Banter and Negativity

Our Weekend Memoirs: Facebook Banter
Please scroll down for Sunday Stealing

Yesterday a caption I put under a shared photo on Facebook generated banter. These photos will have to be cropped because these girls must still be sleeping, (it's Sunday morning here); and I haven't asked permission to flash their beauty on my blog today. Tagging got one worried she might eat sermon for a drink she held in her hand. She said she was only "modelling for 100 Pipers" on new year's eve.

Alrighty, that's I in red, claiming 'Good girls drink mineral water'

which is valid, don't you think? Or I was too drunk yesterday with Austen:


Ebie and Arlene host


Sunday Stealing: The Negativity Meme
Please scroll up for Our Weekend Memoirs

Today we ripped this meme off blogger named Flea from the blog Flea's World. She states that she stole it at Warty Mammal. But, it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

Foods which disgust the crap out of me: grasshopper, worm, serpent and croc

TV show I loathe: I hardly ever watch TV

Movie I loathe: Lord of the Rings

Music genres I loathe: rap

Magazine which annoys me: nothing. I subscribe to or buy only those I like

Makes me cranky at restaurant: when I say well done and I am given rare

Makes me cranky in public: leaflets shoved in your face

Makes me cranky in general: leaflets shoved in your face

Pisses me off at home: human barkers

Pisses me off at work: idiotic QC comments

Pisses me off in general: published crap findings

Makes me impatient at home: loud crying of my kiddo

Makes me impatient at work: prejudice

Makes me impatient in public: people who jump queues

Celebrity I hate: those who deserve more hounding by the paparazzi

Music artist I hate: Kanye West, not hate just what-is-he?

I could care less about: Kris Aquino's marital woes

Annoys the crap out of me weekdays: Mondays

Annoys the crap out of me weekends: unfilled fridge

Blogger's habit that annoys you: meme participants who don't read posts and just want comments on theirs by leaving you rudeness like "hey there mine is at ****"

Feature on your blog you hate: nothing

Movie star you despise:
Aling Dionesia, although I wouldn't call her a star and I don't despise her. But I'm so getting a coronary if she were my mother.

Politician that you hate: not hate, just don't like the idea of that boxer running for congress. Seriously how can his talent in the ring help hopeless Philippine politics? He's better off enjoying his wealth where the sun shines 24/7.

Bud hosts
head over to the Stealing site for more or to join


  1. Inosenteng mineral, sis and people get too suspicious right away lol

  2. Good girl
    drinking water ........... LOL

    Have a fantastic sunday

  3. Anya, yes I am. lol

    Anni, QC is quality control. we get unbelievably idiotic comments only an idiot would ever make

  4. Ewe- people eat that stuff? EWE.
    Have a great Sunday.

    Join us for Monday Mayhem"

  5. Yes, Harriet they do. Earlier this evening when I got out of the hair saloon I saw grasshoppers and worms again on a food cart by the street. The serpent and croc - I saw them on the menu of the restuarant in my ex's country club. Ewww indeed, lol

  6. Blogger's habit that annoys you: meme participants who don't read posts and just want comments on theirs by leaving you rudeness like "hey there mine is at ****"
    I concur!!

    And may I add to #1, how about frog legs!

    Hehehe, I am a good girl too!

  7. OMG, I forgot frog legs, Ate Eb! bisag unsa nalng jud mahunahuna-an sa tawo hahah

  8. OMG...we loathe the same moive. Brilliant Minds Think So Alike ROFLMAO. I hate those leaflets as well. Ahh CJ doesn't cry now does he? LOL. Great answers. Loved your weekend memoirs. Drunk on are classic :) There's a little something for you on my blog :) Have a great Sunday :)

  9. Mondays do suck! Great job, my friend. Enjoy your day...

  10. I definitely dislike rap. I try to pretend it doesn't exist. I don't understand why I ask for well done and get rare too. It is as if they really don't believe me.

    Have a beautiful day!

  11. bottled water for good girls! too boring---coffee or tea is better.:p

    current news-maker Marlene Aguilar, mother of Jason Ivler--not a movie star but she acts like one.:p

  12. Thom, no, Cj doesn't anymore lol!

    Bud, oh yeah they do. I'm a TGIF type

    kalea, maybe it's inattention or inability to follow instructions

    luna, coffee and tea are the staple drink of good girls. they drink water during celebrations :))

    willa, mountain dew reminds me of long ago :p


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