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Our Weekend Memoirs: Getaway, Koh Chang
Please scroll down for Sunday Stealing

My lair's got 24-hour security. Besides, it's a burglar's disappointment so without the slightest scruple, I shouted out on FB, "aweright, aweright paradise here we come!"

A city girl revels in her weekend luck: mountains behind, ocean in front.


Sunday Stealing: The "I've Been Tagged" Meme

Today we ripped this meme of a blogger known as Kara at The Ramblings of a Marine Wife. We actually found the meme from Shius from the blog Addicted 2 Shius. Since this is a meme that has been going around for a while where you answer questions, and then add questions, we decided to use three sets. Kara explained that she was tagged by Life with the Lebedas. But it was probably stolen there as well. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all of us thieves!

1. Where are you from? from the Pearl of the Orient Seas

2. If you could live any place in the world, where would you live? Venice of the Costwolds

3. What's your favorite blog? I'll check them out of course! how about mine?

4. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve? 'silent' replies; but I don't really care anymore. If you don't comment back I won't bother either.

5. What's your favorite TV show this season? I need a new show! :) Downtown Abbey

6. What's your favorite 'down' time {nothing computer related}? brunch

7. Are you a parent? If so, what's your favorite thing to do with your children? tantrumless sightseeing and dining out

8. What about your blog, have you considered changing? templates - from time to time; content - not ever

9. What do you do for a living (if you work outside the home or if you work at home)?


10. What is your favorite song at the moment? What is your favorite song ever?
The Glory Of Love, Mayim Bialik version

11. What is your favorite niche TV channel to watch? I rarely watch TV nowadays

12. If you could have any career, what would it be and why? something in forensics - I like the way the dead talks back

13. What is your favorite outfit? long summer dress with spaghetti straps

14. If you could tell your teenage self something, what would you say? snap out of it

15. What is your favorite recipe? my mother's escabeche

16. What is the funniest joke you've ever heard? submit to your (insane) husband

17. What is your favorite vacation spot and why? something like my OWM post above

18. What are you most excited about with fall here? no fall here

19. Did you envision yourself to be where you are today ten years ago? If not, what did you envision? My vision (living in a charming cottage) was hexed. Ten years after I'm still stuck in a freaking faculty office.

20. If money were no object, what would your dream house look like?

aerial view

21. What is your all-time favorite Disney movie?

22. What blog do you think isn't getting enough notice? those of bloggers who don't comment back. Lol!


  1. What a beautiful vacation spot! There's one state here with mountains and ocean, but I've never been there!

    I've actually never seen Snow White... but I could never pick a favorite! I don't think I could narrow it down to less than 5.

    Hope you're having a good weekend!

  2. Jewel, neither can I actually. They're all charming and beautiful.

  3. How cool is that place. I wanna go there and you know I almost picked the same house as you did. WOOT!!! Two peas in a pod :) And we don't have fall all that much's like one season year round LOL :) Have a great Sunday :)

  4. Thom, I enjoyed answering no. 20 :D It took me longer wandering around a plethora of them lol!

  5. Oh my goodness....the dream home.....whoa. Most beautiful!!!

    My Sunday Stealing Link...hope you can stop by to visit.

  6. Wow, that really look like an awesome spot to relax! Lovely place to spend the weekend.

    My OWM is here:

    Have a great week!

  7. I love the second picture: beautiful background and beautiful model.

  8. MsRay, beautiful model? she better be :D

  9. Tall and slender model, everything's beautiful even the serenity of the place!

    Oh, that Bialik version of that song brings back good memories of the movie! She played her role so well!


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