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Remains of the day

Sunday Stealing: The Dwight Twilley Meme
Scroll down for Our Weekend Memoirs

Today we ripped this meme off not from a blogger but from a website that does (among other things) celebrity interviews. On Friday they asked 20 questions to recording artist Dwight Twilley. The site is called Pop Matters and you can read the original interview here. We enjoyed the questions so much that we decided to steal them! We only did very slight editing to make a couple of the questions more universal. We hope you enjoy latest our and greatest! Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

1. The latest book or movie that made you cry? Miss Potter

2. The fictional character most like you? Tinker Bell. Or so my Ugly Duckling cousin believes

3. The greatest album, ever? My Single Life Album

4. Star Trek or Star Wars? Why? I don't know either of them

5. Your ideal brain food? Cashew nuts and raisins

6. Everyone is proud of a certain accomplishment, which one for you?? I'll leave this blank until the son I am raising single-handedly becomes self-sufficient, happy and successful

7. You want to be remembered for ...? Being a friend who keeps secrets safe

8. Let's talk about recording artists. Who do you find the most inspirational? Can't think of who really, but there are many whats, inspirational, their works are

9. The creative masterpiece you wish bore your signature? Da Vinci Code

10. Your hidden talents . . .? Inner strength against the bull**** of life

11. The best piece of advice you actually followed? Longfellow's 'behind the clouds the sun is shining'

12. The best thing you ever bought, stole, or borrowed? Lappy duh

13. What is the most comfortable clothes that you wear? Nightdress

14. Your dinner guest at the Ritz would be? My hero, and he/she hasn't come along yet

15. Time travel: where, when and why? Prince Edward Island, late 19th century. Anne Shirley of Green Gables must be fun to interact with

16. Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac? Sightseeing

17. Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or . . .? Late night thrills

18. Environment of choice: city or country, and where on the map? Country in the tropics

19. What do you want to say to the leader of your country? We heard the talk. Now bring on the action.

20. Last but certainly not least, what are you working on, now? Getting into the hang of something I have difficulty getting started on

Bud Weiser hosts Sunday Stealing



Our Weekend Memoirs: Remains of the day

We left the sunflower field with gold in our eyes. With a fresh gait we moved on and briefly explored a roadside vineyard.

Then we dropped by a private university where a faculty member (a cousin) read untraceable wherever she was. The campus is huge. We reckoned taking a turn around was best after deciding not to bother with details.

Our final stop was Farm Chockchai.

It was probably the first time for most of us to taste the farm's signature milk ice cream. Yummy yes and it did its job hydrating thirsty palates well.

God I so didn't want to return to Bangkok.

Ebie and Arlene
host Our Weekend Memoirs.


  1. wow, vineyard. my daughter would love that. she loves grapes.

  2. Well, I was there and I couldn't pick a thing. They were "for your eyes only" :D

  3., now I know just WHO the ugly duckling is. I'm glad you're the cousin, Cinderella!!!

  4. Hahah nice play of words, Anni :D

    Harriet, aren't they yummy!


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