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In the context of the devastation brought by Haiyan, different sources call the Filipinos resilient. The Daily Mail, UK quotes US President Obama:
"I know the incredible resiliency of the Filipino people, and I am confident that the spirit of Bayanihan will see you through this tragedy."
Bayanihan, a word I never heard, used nor thought of in quite awhile, more or less two decades. It's nice to be reminded of a reference to 'communal unity and cooperation.' Honestly I don't remember being ever seriously sure what resilience really means until I gaped in horror at the TV this weekend. Let me reflect a bit:

"Resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties"

I have great memories of adventure in Tacloban, an island city hit the worst by Haiyan. Happy to be out of boarding school for the summer, Tacloban was the perfect place for an 18 year-old to explore. But now aside from not having any photos of my own, I don't think anyone needs more scenes resembling the end of the world. Instead I'm posting something reflective of the hope that my poor country is put to right again soon.

Samal is one of those areas under Signal 1 after tropical depression Zoraida moves closer to Mindanao.  Oh no... not Mindanao! Haven't we enough bombings and kidnappings there already? :(

Trucks and buses roll into ferries that transport them to Samal Island -

People usually pass here after alighting from the ferries -

A dirt road drive to the resorts

Late afternoon in the island -


  1. Aw Hazel,

    What a horrible thing to happen.

    Allow me to state that most Americans hurt for those afflicted in the Philippines. And we pray for them.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Such a terrible disaster. And so hard to helplessly watch the photos of people begging for assistance, for water and food. I hope the bayanihan of the whole world will come together with generosity in helping people put their lives back together.

  3. Hi Hazel, my heart is broken to what happened in our country. I feel so helpless watching, reading and hearing about the devastation from afar. That's true that Filipinos are resilient and we'll move on like we always do.
    Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your town. I also hope with all my heart the the Philippines will soon heal from this all.

  4. I'm currently watching tv patrol right now. Resilience is what we need; faith is another.

  5. I'm glad you are safe Hazel… I've been praying for your nation, sent a donation, though I know it won't go far, it is something. I send compassionate energy to all who are suffering and all who are helping to alleviate suffering.

    1. Thank you, Laura. Any help, big or small is significant and very much appreciated.

    2. One can hardly imagine what it is to lose everything, relatives, house, anything! I hope that there is help and money enough to get these victims food and a roof over their heads.
      Wil, ABCW Team.

  6. A beautiful island.
    My deepest sympathy to all victims of Haiyan typhoon.

  7. Such terrible devastation - I hope the aid collected around the world will get there soon.

  8. I really hope that the people of Eastern Sama can jump back in. The devastation is so great, my heart bleeds. Helping in our own little way but I am overwhelmed as to where to start and / or give my priorities. There are friends, families and even co-workers based in Tacloban and Guiaun that we still cannot reach. Hoping to that the relief goods we send reaches them somehow. Hoping for people to storm the heavens, the Philippines is in dire need of God's presence right now.

    Thanks for the photos showcasing the beauty of the Philippines.

  9. We watch such tragedies unfold before our eyes on the TV screen but feel so helpless. Giving money seems such a poor substitute when people have lost loved ones.

  10. I was glued to the Weather Channel dreading the arrival of this terrible storm and my heart broke when I saw the damage it did. Sending my love their way.

  11. My heart is so sad from all the devastating news about the beautiful Phillipines.
    Our prayers go out to everyone touched by it.

  12. Hope that aid comes soon, and in sufficient quantities.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  13. Such devastation my heart goes out to the Philippines, may the resilience of the people help them through and more help arrive soon.
    Joy - ABC Team

  14. reflecting_ letting you know that our ladies' Bible Study prayed for your country. My sister-in-law's dad was a Filipino, one of the most gracious, loving men I've ever known.

    1. Thank you, Nonnie. We greatly appreciate prayers.

  15. Came here again from WW, Hazel. The aid from Indonesia was heading the affected place. Hope it may help though just a bit.

  16. So tragic! I hope everything gets back to a semblance of normality soon. I hope you didn't lose any family.

  17. my best wishes for early recovery for people. the news carried about the place is scary. great clicks


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