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In this post: Booking Through Thursday and Thursday Thirteen

Heidi asks:

Do you have siblings? Do they like to read?

As an only child I often wondered what it was like to have siblings who like to read. Would we have a contest on who could read how many books in a month? Share and discuss each other's reads while munching chocolate? There were cousins. But all one did was devour comics while another read the same author I read hundreds of full moons ago - Irving Wallace. Parents regulated my reading pile, and Wallace wasn't exactly on their list of approved material, so it was fun sharing the secret read with a cousin who did the same experiment. We were probably looking for supplemental info to our high school sex education. I'm a fan of my parents' literary gifts; didn't mind reading alone almost all the time.

Thursday 13: Famous siblings - except perhaps the last pair, there's one common denominator among most of them: rivalry

1. Kate and Bianca in Taming of the Shrew- fought bitterly
2. Orlando and Oliver in As You Like It - relationship was marked by antagonism
3. Cain and Abel in the Bible - one brother's jealousy led to murder
4. Leah and Rachel in the Bible - competed for the love of Jacob
5. Ares and Athena in Disney's Hercules- competed over territory
6. Venus and Serena Williams, in tennis - compared with each other by the media
7. Janet and Michael Jackson, in music - compared with each other by the media
8. Rose and Maggie in In Her Shoes - alternately loving and argumentative
9. Michael and Fredo in The Godfather - their conflict was fatal
10. Ann Landers and Abigail Van Buren, advice columnists - very close and publicly antagonistic
11. Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine, actresses - had an uneasy relationship from childhood and later stopped talking to each other completely
12. Ann and Mary Boleyn, The Other Boleyn Girl - contended for the affection of King Henry VIII
13. Elinor and Marianne Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen - two sisters very different in their ways of thinking and feeling

 Reference for nos. 1 - 11 here.


  1. What a great list! I loved this. I would have never thought of it.

  2. I have no idea what it would be like to be an only child, I was the youngest of 8 children so there was always someone bossing me around. But, I do love reading, no one to boss me around in my reading corner. ; )

  3. That is some list :-)
    I have siblings, but we're going separate ways when it comes to reading.

  4. An interesting list. I have two sisters. Younger Sister and I are only a year apart in age and have always had more similar reading interests--a lot of shared authors and prefered genres, though she is more F. Scott Fitzgerald and I am more Jane Austen. Baby Sister was never much of a reader growing up, but told me a few years ago that she found a renewed interest in reading when I loaned her Montana Sky by Nora Roberts. Neither reads quite as much as I do, but it is nice having some of the same favorite books and authors.

  5. Very clever idea. Thanks for sharing. Happy T13!


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