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Showing posts with the label Bible


In this post: Booking Through Thursday and Thursday Thirteen Charlie Quillen asks: Has a book ever inspired you to change anything in your life, fiction or non-fiction alike? Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad inspired me to change the way I look at money.  Kate White's Why Good Girls Don't Get Ahead but Gutsy Girls Do helped me change the way I evaluate myself.  The Da Vinci Code inspired me to change my attitude toward The Bible .  The entertainment of puzzles in Dan Brown's work and its references to concepts that ring a bell around times long ago when the Bible was spoon-fed to me, sparked a fancy to rediscover non-fiction mystery that the Bible has abundance of, as well as advice and knowledge that never gets old. Thursday 13: Inspiring changes. Which ones speak to you best? 1. Change brings opportunity. ~ Nido Qubein 2. Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, ...