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Showing posts with the label Anastasia

Tug o' War

Sunday Stealing: Sunday Stealing Player's Meme Please scroll down for Our Weekend Memoirs Today we ripped this meme not from a blogger but from you, our players and friends. We asked for original questions last week. And did you guys deliver! We believe we’ve got everyone in the credits. If we missed you, let us know! The star players who submitted questions were: Hooting Anni, Niko, Wendy, Melanie, Ace, Bambie, Zoan, Dixie Chick, Lynette from A Blog in the Rough, The Gal, Katie, Hazel, Me, Mark from An Erie Tapestry, Mamo Ko, Cat., Noelle, Kwizgiver, Shakaku, Catch Her in the Wry, Brandt, Debster, Zh3en22, Americanising Desi and Kathy. Head over to the SS headquarters for the grand theft. Cheers to all of us thieves! 1. :::sniff, sniff::: Is the dog in the house? he got sent overseas. you're just seeing his framed photo sitting prominently on the bookshelf 2. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received? There is always room for improvement. You only stop learn...