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Showing posts with the label Crocs

Shoe rules

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.” That is one of my fave quotes about shoes. Except perhaps books, nothing excites me more than the sight of shoes . CJ's 4th Crocs are among other pairs I could hardly remember to track. Back when my Ex was drawn to the Casino at the Thai - Cambodia border, I focused in the shoe shops.  Last night I went shopping with a cousin who got this beauty to match her daughter's summer dress - Daughter is due to graduate next week and I surprised my cousin by saying "on me" when she decided to check out this pair - My niece studies at the same school I attended. In my time there wasn't any 'shoe regulation' during commencement exercises, and I didn't hear of any nowadays. A girl friend once said to me that they had shoe guidelines at her medschool graduation, but she wore what she liked anyway. I could have hard...