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There is Math in your future

Do written signs have an impact on you? They must have on me as they recur from time to time. The first twelve of these signs are some I remember from MVC, a boarding college my parents sent me to. Situated on a hill and nicknamed The Hilltop, it is puritan, replete with angels and demons . I loved and hated that place. But signs, here we go: 1. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life ~ in the Music department. I did an entire summer job there pounding pianos for voice students 2. There is Math in your future ~ this has proven useful to me now 3. Reading maketh a full man ~ library obviously 4. Come out of here my people ~ looks like a line from the Bible. Occupants of the room where this sign was posted were male Theology majors. Boxer shorts hung on their ceiling during Open House, a once-a-term event when ladies and gents are allowed inside each other's residence rooms 5. Don't get mad. Get even ~ etched almost inconspicously on the wall of a tiny room

Wonderful World

Musical Monday: What a Wonderful World Please scroll down for Monday Mayhem Is it just me or do you also notice that sometimes when you are required to write something concise, you could hardly do so? All weekend this was my trouble. I drafted a research proposal overview that, if approved, would involve textual analysis of National Trust publications -actually simple to look at but taxing to put together. Louise Armstrong's What a Wonderful World would be one way to describe a part of it. Diane hosts Musical Monday @ Good Mourning, Glory! ************************** Monday Mayhem: I love this about... Please scroll up for Musical Monday What do you love about people that you spend time with outside your home (coworkers etc)? they always share their snacks, perhaps a cultural trait What do you love about people in your home? my kiddo's manifestation of caring: last night I casually showed him my bleeding ankle and he ran to my dresser, stood on his toes looking for something be

Medieval stroll

In York I was inwardly moaning that I could not join a ghost walk because I could not stand the cold. I missed viewing 13th century manuscripts because the tour ran out of time. So these 13 things I love about what I did not miss in that lovely city had better make up: 1. Guy Fawkes hotel . Although having a large portrait of England's catholic restorationist in my room was eerie, the four poster was cozy 2. Historic breakfast . It's served adjacent to the cottage where Guy Fawkes was born 3. Room with a view . The window is like a picture frame into which part of northern Europe's largest cathedral fits 4. York Minster : massive, magnificent, enough said. 5. Staring awed at the Five Sisters , reputed to be among the finest and rarest in the world. 6. Evensong . Beckoned in by the vesper chime, I quietly joined other worshippers for a bit of spiritual exercise 7. Minster choir . As voices rose to the spires, so swarmed gooseflesh from my gloved fingers to my shivering

They're just breasts

What is it about men and nudity? Particularly breasts... How can you be so interested in them? I mean seriously: they're just breasts. Every second person has them. They're odd looking, they're for milk from your mother. What's all the fuss about? In case you were wondering... that was Anna Scott (Julia Roberts) talking to William (Hugh Grant) the morning after they slept together. Notting Hill has been awhile. So have breasts. But not these features of the Woman and Child gallery at the Bangkok Arts and Culture Centre. They are fairly recent. That's My World Tuesday is brought to you by the MyWorld team Klaus Sandy Wren Fishing Guy Sylvia

Hazel-eyed Jane Austen

As a fan of Jane Austen, I am extremely pleased with the plethora of information about her on the web. It goes without saying that I spend hours immersed in Austen blogs and equally delightful related sites. There is one I want to focus on, and it is the source of my faves this week: Sadish Jane Austen's World A classic party inside! I am drawn to this promise: "This blog brings Jane Austen, her novels, and the Regency Period alive through food, dress, social customs, and other 19th C. historical details" A good trait Vic, the blog owner writes on "About Me" "...If you would like to share a new site, or point out an error, please email me. (Yes, I am fallible. I'll own up to my mistakes and will make the corrections with a polite smile on my face.)" A familiar word It's an adjective but it's also my name . James Austen Leigh, the author's nephew describes his aunt's physical attributes - “ ... full round cheeks, with mouth and nose


Bucolic is listed on Dr Goodword's alphaDictionary as one of the most beautiful words in English. I typed it on google images and as I strayed, like I usually allow myself to when leisurely searching, I was led to words that reflect concepts appealing to me: 1. eclogue 2. denouement 3. cynosure 4. pianoforte 5. palimpsest 6. onomatopoeia 7. riparian 8. inglenook 9. petrichor 10. lilt 11. arcadian 12. vintage 13. Jenny what else but my idol Jane Austen's nickname :-) Share your Thursday Thirteen list with Megan and Janet .

Yes, no, and in the air tonight

Musical Monday: In The Air Tonight Please scroll down for Monday Mayhem It was either Don Johnson or someone whose name I didn't pay as much attention to. Globe-trotting, short-term boyfriend mentioned that he briefly worked with one Miami Vice actor. Then off he went out to finish a meeting while I stayed behind to finish viewing bundles of photos. In one snapshot the guy he pointed out as the actor preceded him on the stairs of a plane. My mind ambled along opening scenes of The Real McCoy; the roar of Ferrari as Burnett and Tubbs sped on a dark highway interspersed with Phil Collins' bark-like "oh lord, oh lord, oh lord..." God I must have existed in the 80s already :D Diane hosts Musical Monday. Click here for more music. ********** Monday Mayhem: Yes or No Please scroll up for Musical Monday Today's meme is based on the popular YES or No. We will focus on the internet. Answer yes or no for each question. Because I am so very nice, I will allow you to tell o