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Children's Poetry Day

A heap of celebrations fill March 21st - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, National Common Courtesy Day .... Out of thirteen there are two that particularly attracted me: National Single Parents Day and Children's Poetry Day . Raising my kid all by myself makes me fond of National Single Parents Day. On its FB page this About is written: The goal of National Single Parents Day is to empower single parents and their friends and family.... Public awareness of issues affecting single parents is so important. Thank goodness I do not own all single parent-related issues in the world. God must love me this much he has granted me enough financial independence for as long as I can remember after earning work qualifications. To commemorate Children's Poetry Day, let me share this poem from I italicized lines that are not true to my son, nor to me.  The rest are. My Childhood My childhood was fun, tough and exciting, My childhood was one


In this post: Booking Through Thursday and Thursday Thirteen Ever read a book you thought you could have written better yourself? I could hardly write my own prayer. If I do not like a book and have difficulty finishing it the book may not be for me. I would leave the writing or rewriting to someone whom the story belongs. With books at work (academic) - maybe edit, adjust examples, or illustrate a concept to fit needs of certain learners.  But then writing it better? I might as well write another book entirely.  Thursday 13: March Celebrations March 21st is full, isn't it? I didn't know most of these celebrations but I'm glad to find a couple relevant to me, like #4 and 8. Which ones interest you? 1. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2. National Common Courtesy Day 3. National Teenager Day 4. National Single Parents Day 5. World Down Syndrome Day 6. National Flower Day 7. Twitter Day 8. Children's Poetry Day 9. Hump Day 10. Memory


Dove wings, rustling greens deeds penetrate the heavens a whiff of cool blue Now comes the quiet clear blue remnants of Khmer may souls rest in peace Question: what's the deal between green and violet? True color matters Blue Monday ,  Haiku my Heart , Haiku Heights

Shoe rules

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.” That is one of my fave quotes about shoes. Except perhaps books, nothing excites me more than the sight of shoes . CJ's 4th Crocs are among other pairs I could hardly remember to track. Back when my Ex was drawn to the Casino at the Thai - Cambodia border, I focused in the shoe shops.  Last night I went shopping with a cousin who got this beauty to match her daughter's summer dress - Daughter is due to graduate next week and I surprised my cousin by saying "on me" when she decided to check out this pair - My niece studies at the same school I attended. In my time there wasn't any 'shoe regulation' during commencement exercises, and I didn't hear of any nowadays. A girl friend once said to me that they had shoe guidelines at her medschool graduation, but she wore what she liked anyway. I could have hard


In this post: Booking Through Thursday and Thursday Thirteen Have you ever used a book to instruct someone of something or is there anyone for whom you would like to do that? (I don’t mean a text book for a class, but a work of fiction or non-fiction that would get a certain message across either through plot or character). What is the book and what do you wish to impart? Professionally, yes but not necessarily the book in its entirety. I used Don Quixote in an English camp for the Thai teaching staff of a business institute. A drill on the parts of speech served as instrument to carry bits of idealism and realism across.  Personally I use books to instruct a young nephew and niece about life in general. The books are gifts that they are to read if they want something more later. 'More' could mean an all-expenses paid trip to the mall in exchange for learning something from the books. Yes, I could be a doting, strict, crazy aunt. I gave Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl

Calls and attorneys

LDP or long - distance parenting entails lengthy phone calls and expensive phone bills. The latter element of this reality changed when a cousin began selling calls to the Philippines, each lasting 49 minutes for only 110 baht. Quite a break from when I used to pay an average of 4,000 baht a month and sometimes twice that figure; which is more than enough for a low cost two-way Bangkok - Manila ticket. That is something I am greatly thankful for and happy about nowadays. The other thing is learning something new out of LDP:  Special Power of Attorney, which authorizes a guardian to process documents in behalf of a minor. My kiddo's Philippine passport (he has dual citizenship; holds two passports) needs to be renewed as the plan this summer is for him to do some traveling again. This notarial service at the Philippine embassy in Bangkok is efficient. I got the SPA and sent it by registered mail within three hours yesterday. It looks like I'm dealing with airports, air crafts,

Jacquie Lawson ecard

Are you familiar with Jacquie Lawson ecards? Thom , a bloggity friend sent me an animated flash ecard by Jacquie Lawson . That was about three years ago and though he's no longer blogging regularly nowadays, these ecards keep coming. And do I like these cards? You bet! A few reasons why I like, no, love them: Following instructions and discovering what comes out is so much fun. I love what I see so much I take a shot of one scene despite knowing the result won't be as I see it live on screen. They are hand paintings! Just my kind of art.And the music works perfectly for me. Here's an example: [youtube][/youtube] Back to fabulous Thom Robinson. Except for our blogging interaction I haven't done anything to compel him to send me cards that are costing him . So I call it pure thoughtfulness on his part. Last week I sent him a message thanking him for the Valentine ecard. He replied asking how CJ is . He even re