C acoy , a c lose friend/ c ousin's youngest son whose real name is C aesar had a birthday last week. He turned 13 but to me he is still my baby nephew thus I ought to be forgiven for buying him a c ake that does not look exactly like a teenager's c ake. Aside from an exuberance of c olor c andles, it's bursting with what resembles Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit for c rying out loud. But unlike my son C J who c ried at seeing c herries instead of Ultraman on his c ake (couldn't blame the poor, then 5-year old though), C acoy was generally c ool around the whole thing. Anyway he was probably too busy entertaining his buddies to c are about what his c razy aunt has gotten him this year. C J's c ake issue by the way has been sorted. (I'm a working, divorced Mom; do not have time to c omb Bangkok for an Ultraman cake) I gave him Hong Kong Disneyland for his next birthday to make up for the girly cake . Boys! I have been wondering about something for some ...
"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever." ~ Walt Disney