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Moments at the Royal Reign Exhibit

Thailand's Government Complex is huge enough to house several departments and ministries and to double as venue for major art and culture shows. That's exactly what I found during a recent run to the place. It was a riot of colors and style I was humming 'beautiful, beautiful!' all the way. There were paintings by local artists, Khon masks, silk-weaving and pottery demonstrations, village replicas, man-made waterfall among many other displays. Here's one of them -  

Demure peacock all made up of flowers and leaves. The two flower balls on the lower right corner are encrusted with anise seeds and resemble dunkin donuts.

While the ratio is normally one is to one at Government House, that is one immigration stuff takes one day to sort out, Lady Luck must have smiled on me I accomplished -

Two errands in one day which saved me time, energy and money. With the re-entry permit secured I can now look forward to a holiday in Singapore I booked last month.

Back at work, I learned to -

Say no.  Perhaps after a long while I did learn to grasp reason to refuse to do something. It wasn't just a regular colleague I said no to. It was the vice president. But time does come for one to dare, to risk and deal with a challenge. It feels wonderful to come out of it composure intact.

People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. This is part of Sam Levenson's inspirational suggestions that I had fun putting on the white flower photo above. The 'slim figure' bit particularly amuse me. Haven't we been all sharing food forever? But I'm gaining weight instead. Oh well, one final fave of the week -

Red velvet cake and green tea. 'Nuf said.


  1. I have never seen a peacock with pink delightful. Visiting from Share the Joy. The chili peppers are adorable as your background.

  2. That peacock tableau from vegetation is simply amazing. I am absolutely fascinated -- both as to how it was accomplished and how long it took to create. I'm also patting you on the back for your braveness and composure in saying no to the vice president.

  3. Wow ! That is a beautiful creation !
    Congratulations on listening to your inner self.
    Happy Thursday !

  4. What a magnificent peacock centerpiece!

  5. I absolutely love that quote! And, that flowery peacock is beautiful too.

  6. That "peacock" is beautiful! Love Mr. Levenson's advice you quoted - I agree! Have a great week ahead!

  7. I have a hard time saying no, also, and very often find myself becoming overwhelmed. I'm slowly learning how to say it with tact and stick to it.

    Wow, quite the peacock art! My oldest would love that!

  8. What I wouldn't do to get my hands on that cake.

  9. What a lovely and imaginative peacock centerpiece!

    It's so nice when getting errands done works out so well.

    I often have to remind myself that people are more important than tasks.

  10. Love those Sam Levenson quotes!
    As a former expat in another country, I can completely empathize with your joy in doing TWO things in ONE visit. Amazing and what a blessing. And you saw the peacock, too :)

  11. oh this post! Oozing with positiveness! :)

    thank you so much for sharing and linking over at Food Friday, Hazel


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