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As long as there is imagination

The second clinical impression on my son has just been forwarded to me. It is PDD (pervasive developmental disorder). Through the daze I decide to tackle it with optimism, and with as less drama as possible. In an effort to find something to kick start work on this challenge I find inspiration in the words of people who had learning difficulties and disabilities. From Tourette's syndrome to dyslexia, to OCD, to stuttering, they have been there, done that, got the T-shirt. I am going to get my T-shirt too.

1. Adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is most beneficial to us. Samuel Johnson

2. Courage is fear holding on a minute longer. George S. Patton

3. If you are going to go through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill

4. Passion is the great slayer of adversity. Focus on strengths and what you enjoy. Charles Schwab

5. We think of children as vulnerable. In my experience, they’re giants. Their bodies and souls are amazingly resilient. What we often mistake for fragility is their openness…. Fred Epstein

6. Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul. Somerset Maugham

7. If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Lewis Carroll

8. How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children. Charles Darwin

9. Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done. Robert A. Heinlein

10. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein

11. Discontent is the first necessity of progress. Thomas Alva Edison

12. A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends. George Washington

13. Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. Walt Disney

Megan and Janet host Thursday Thirteen


  1. like #11. that's comforting.

    do you get the daily quotes from ?

  2. you're doing great! this list is a proof.
    sending you my best wishes...

  3. I see we were thinking along the same lines for this week's "13"!
    I also listed some of my favorite quotes, and now I have learned some new ones, after reading your list.
    I love your No. 9. :-)

  4. Thanks. Very uplifting. I'd only seen a few of these before. I like the Einstein - he & I share a birthday (Tomorrow!)

  5. Pearl, I pick them at random sites, never heard of quotationsbook. thanks for the idea.

    bonheursdaily, thank you.

    rogue, thanks.

    Gal Friday, I love no. 9 too :)

    rlavalette, that's great! happy birthday to you :)

  6. Even though I am not going through hell, my favourite would be no. 3. I'll keep that one in mind.
    One of our sons has DS, so optimism is a very important thing. Nice collection!


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