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Fave Five: week's highlights

Fave Five: week's highlights
A little note for new bloggity friends: It's been an old blogging practice of mine to keep a record of what's positive and good about the week. For several months I have been unable to do it due to a few bits and pieces both on and off line. But I am doing it again. It's quite a good exercise in gratitude and optimism. There's nothing like celebrating! So on to exactly what I'm talking about, these are some highlights, five of them, of my week:

Catching up with movies
Thank goodness for days off.  I managed four of them in two afternoons. Fast and Furious 6 emphasizes teamwork, Hangover III friendship; The Great Gatsby shows lengths humans are willing to go to to gain acceptance, Jurassic Park introduces DNA to pop culture.

Crichton's Timeline
It took me awhile but I got the reading done. I appreciate and love novels that are intelligently researched.
Overseas phone conversation with the kiddo
CJ: Are you finished working, Mommy?
Me: No, Baby. I'm just about to go to work. I work evenings.
CJ: Do you go to work on a skateboard?
Me: Skateboard what?!...

He kept on talking. Bla-bla this, bla-bla that. Then out of the blue...

"Excuse me, Mommy. I have to go poo-poo...."

The Grandma was giggling in the background. And the sound of shuffling feet faded away.

I can't believe CJ is now talking like this to me. The phone bill is well, I'll put it this way: this happiness does not come in cheap but it's worth it. It does look like that clinical impression (selective mutism) three years before is gone.

Remembering Papa
It has been eight years since father passed away but each year on Father's Day I have him in my thoughts as I go about delicious food. He was the first one that came to mind when I leafed through this back issue of a society magazine at Starbucks and saw Sean Penn like this. You see I once witnessed my father carry a half sack of rice. In his office clothes?! It made a lasting impression on me although it happened for less than a minute. Unprecedented wonder for a nine-year old. I thought only porters could and would do that sort of thing. The surprise factor was significant. Father just played Samson in front of me. And thirty-three years later, it's amazing to see he's got star company.

Sean Penn- certainly 'more than a face,' and my own father showed me what he was capable of beyond his office persona. The world's got supermen all over :)
Father's Day meal


  1. My father passed away long ago as well. It is so nice to remember them at this time of year.

  2. I enjoyed reading your FFF...have a happy weekend enjoying time with your little boy :)

  3. What a sweet memory that came to mind of your Dad when you saw the picture.

    It must be such a joy to have your son chatting away to you like that!

  4. Oh and I pushed publish before I said "Welcome Back!" :v)

  5. Conversing with kids are awesome you don't know what comes out next hehe. Food is great here thanks for sharing.


  6. Sounds just like something my kids would do, that's adorable. Very nice to read about your father, I'm blessed to still have mine around. I get to see him for the first time in years this weekend.

  7. aww, you had me in sniffles with your story about your papa. my father has never shun away from hard labour, literally. lol. he worked in a bank as a cashier, until he retired, but he never forgot how he got there: through hard work and perseverance. :)
    that grapes and mangosteen combo looks interesting! got to try that sometime.

    thanks so much for taking the time to share and link over at Food Friday, Hazel


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