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Chakri Naruebet

"What is a newlywed like you doing posing in the middle of a highway?"

"Look closely, Ma. I'm roving the ocean."

"What ocean?"

Wondering, I examined my own photo. Indeed I looked like I was standing where traffic could send my 38-kilogram frame swirling to kingdom come any minute. The sea was a blurry blue. Unrecognizable at a glance.

So I explained to my mother that I wasn't spending my honeymoon risking my life on a Thai highway. I was exploring an ocean beauty docked that time in Sattahip naval base - Chakri Naruebet, or at least a part of her where visitors were allowed -
Fast facts for HTMS Chakri Naruebet:
- It is Thailand's first and only aircraft carrier, and the only one in Southeast Asia
- it is the world's smallest aircraft carrier
- built by Bazan, in Ferrol, Spain
- ordered in 1992, launched in 1996, and commissioned into the RTN in 1997
- designed to operate an air group of V/STOL fighter aircraft and helicopters



  1. Interesting story. The smallest aircraft carrier, that is an unusual claim to fame

  2. That incline on the runway is unusual. (Are you impressed with my knowledge of nautical terms?)

    1. Runway actually sounds more fun to me than ski-jump ramp, but then I'm not sure whether you would be airborne after that or land on a mountain slope :)

  3. I'm glad you weren't standing in the middle of a highway. Enjoyed the video too.

  4. That's quite a claim - being the world's smallest aircraft carrier I mean, not that you were standing on it. How funny to see the swords into ploughshares quote that I used a couple of weeks ago for my post title.

  5. I think aircraft carriers are SO cool. It amazes me that something can float in the ocean and planes can land on it.

    1. I think so too. If I were to live another life with a choice of career I would want to be a helicopter pilot.

  6. Interesting, but where is the picture of you that your mother was talking about, and the 'swords into ploughshares' quote?

    1. Someone finally asked, ops. Alas, the picture is in an old album which I haven't had the time to scan what with work so crazy and all. I'll scan it one day. That I will do surely.

  7. Well...who would have thunk? Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  8. ☸ڿڰۣڿڰۣ

    Hello! Follow your dreams, but no easy always
    Have a nice day,

  9. It seems like the video is antiwar and thus against aircraft carriers.

  10. Being the world's smallest is quite an achievement as the very nature of the beast means that it has to be big enough to land on.

  11. It may be the sam;;est carrier but it can still pack a big punch; the curved flight deck told me immediately it was designed for planes like the Harrier jump jet, My brother served on aircraft carriers in WWII - but much bigger than this.

  12. Interesting post. I did not know about this Chakri Narubet. Now I do. Thanks!

  13. I had to re-read - at first I thought you were doing the 'Titanic thing' on an aircraft carrier :)
    My Mum is pretty easy to scare / shock too.


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