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THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

Tacloban. It's where I spent two months of great adventure with college buddies at about the same age as the young adult artists in this video

 We Are The World for Philippines (Cover by Filipino Artsts)

This is the church where I served as piano accompanist for the 1990 summer student choir, and some of the services. According to reports it was filled with dead bodies when this shot was taken.

Photo Courtesy: AUP Network on FB

On Saturday, November 24th, Central World management (the former WTC Bangkok) lent space for a Haiyan fundraiser without charge. I'd like to commemorate the highlights:


One Voice: Help Haiyan Victims was a serendipity. Organizing events is something I had to pay money to study in grad school. But it was live learning right there that night and observing the process was free.

Skywatch: Mission Tacloban

The Bangkok Charity Orchestra  reflected tranquility in their music. Poor typhoon victims would benefit from melodies that are tender and soothing to the soul.

 Reflections: hope in a new day

Updates from friends about relief efforts on their side of the pond were heart-warming. Owner of Thailand's top plastic surgery hospital (friend's boss), without anyone asking him, set up a station where people can drop off things they want to give away. He then made arrangements for an airplane to transport the goods to Tacloban.

Joy is joining beautiful friends in supporting a cause

Helping helped us take a step forward in nurturing love for fellow human beings. It was terrific. I learned so much including empathy or at least a shadow of it. Thinking how hard it must be for victims to go without proper meals, I avoided restaurants and tried to keep mine simple

Seeing the world pitch in is beyond touching. Witnessing acts of generosity, cooperation, and kindness in many different ways has rendered me speechless and reduced me to tears (though very rarely do I cry).


This post is shared with Mellow Yellows / Friday's Faves / Picture Clusters / Share the Joy / Water World / ABC Wednesday / Our World / Ruby Tuesday Too / Monday Blues / Monday's Music Moves Me


  1. A good side of a huge disaster : it promotes kindness and generosity from many people around the world. The conflicts seem forgotten for a while.
    The tsunami hit Aceh in 2004 has given peace back to the province and resolved the rebellion issue.

  2. Such devastation, Hazel...your thankful heart is such a blessing.

  3. This is a lovely tribute to the people in the Philippines. It's great to see you on the dance floor on Monday's Music Moves Me. Have a happy & blessed week!

  4. Hi Hazel,

    Plenty of people cry with you.

    Have a good Blue Monday.

  5. Many prayers and healing energy for those beautiful people and hugs to you as well ~ thanks, carol, xxx

  6. Sad indeed!
    Interesting, I posted the original song except for Africa.
    We are in same thought process none-the-less.

  7. Thanks for sharing this video. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. So terrible sorry you and your country are going through such tragic times. May you be blessed soon with a better way of life.

  9. This post is so sad yet very uplifting. People everywhere are so willing to help in a crisis. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt thoughts.
    Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Hazel, my heart is both broken and deeply filled with strength and hope viewing these photos, reading your words.

  11. Very poignant photographs. Our prayers are with you as the long recovery is going on.

  12. love all come together in tragedy to bring better to the world
    come see us at

  13. Touching video... It is indeed so heartbreaking to see what happened to Easter Visayas. But is likewise so heartwarming to see the world give. :) God bless you.

  14. Great post!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River.

  15. So sad and heartbreaking.
    This is a loving and beautiful tribute.

  16. What a terrible storm and I sure hope things get back to normal soon,

    abcw team

  17. praying for a smooth yet long road to recovery.

  18. This is a lovely tribute.

    Any disaster is terrible, but it wakes us to think and do for others than only ourselves.

  19. What a TERRIBLE TRAGEDY - best wishes for the recovery. (I even sent money...)
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  20. You post brings to light even more deeply how much we all need each other!!! Still praying for all who have suffered from the typhoon. Wishing you well!!! Cathy

  21. The decimation is beyond comprehension. . . the outpouring of love great, but still small when compared to what needs to happen.

  22. Makes my hearts so sad. Prayers still going up for all the people there.

  23. So hard to see and understand such devastation. Our church just set aside 20,000 dollars and are sending a team with the money to the area to help out with rebuilding in February...

  24. A lovely tribute to the people in the Philippines and the process of rebuilding

  25. Such a sad tragedy what has happened in the Phillipines to so many. But thank God for those that have a generous spirit and lend a helping hand whenever and however they can. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

  26. Terrible events... You are so great to have a thought for them all.

  27. Sometimes it's easy to quickly forget a huge tragedy such as The Philippines has experienced and it's good to constantly be reminded.

  28. Such a sad tragedy. It's beautiful to see all sorts of nationalities and peoples coming together in whatever way they can to help. The picture of the church amongst the ruins is amazing.

  29. You studied in Tacloban? I have relatives living there (though most of them are from Tolosa) and am happy that everyone was accounted for! The "inactivity" of the government immediately following the disaster really made lots of people angry and then trying to downplay the situation made everything worse! But, that's all over and done so thankful that other nations immediately came and offered their services (and food!)! I hope your boss' friend did not give the relief goods to the just might still be in their storage areas, waiting to be "repacked"! Sad, but possibly true. sigh...

    thank you so much for sharing and linking this special post over at Food Friday, Hazel
    enjoy the rest of the week! :)

    1. I didn't study in Tacloban but I spent an entire summer there with college buddies. Tolosa sounds very familiar; I remember friends mentioning it as they went around the islands. The government side is sooooooooo frustrating I try to avoid any reference to them as much as I can. All this effort I am talking about is done through private channels therefore reaching recipients directly. I'm glad your family is fine.


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