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A sweet blue situation

Ever experienced being disoriented while traveling? It was not jet lag in my case. Fourteen hours on a Bangkok - London flight with additional whirl changing air crafts in the UAE, and I was strolling around Scarborough Castle early the next day. So the culprit was very likely the stress around my mutilated passport.

A few minutes before deplaning in Manila, I learned that our pilot was a lady. I whispered wow as I recalled how the plane felt as if it was gliding playfully on its side through a forest like a merry fairy shortly after take off.

And that takes me back to a sweet dilemma: PhD or learn to fly?

So as I waited for my cocktail during this year's Valentine al fresco dinner with single friends, I fancied engaging both, but one at a time. Then the server came with my drink miffing me out of doctoral and helicopter reverie to a vision in sea green!

You see I deliberately ordered Blue Hawaii for Sally, and what did I get? Ah well, at least the glass on the right seems true to my color intention. I still gave a nice tip and quickly dropped the disappointment for more significant things, my faves this week:
  • one month absence from work all forgiven; salary is intact, no deductions whatsoever
  • surviving a boardroom situation: I ate linguistic implausibility though I've been in this playground long enough to judge which games are worth stressing over. From the registrar's report to the PR chief's apathetic statements to a colleague's lecturer issues, our chairs swiveled in butt-kicking tension for over an hour
  • Dan Brown's Inferno. Finally. I bought my copy last year but got sidetracked by Crichton and Grisham. Like usual, my insomnia antidote
  • transfer of my visa from the mutilated passport to the new one is complete. The thing is a gnawing stomach in a terribly long queue is no joke. I risked losing my number by sprinting to a cafe and made it back on time!
  • life-saving visa salmon and honey lemon tea brunch; that's how I call this


  1. Hi Hazel,

    Thanks for thinking of me as you enjoy your friends. That blue drink MUST be delicious!

    I think I'd vote for the PhD because I know that there are so many pilots; it must be really competitive.

    Happy Blue Monday!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, Sally. I'm now working on a dissertation proposal. Here's hoping I don't get too distracted by all this traveling....

  2. I agree with Sally… blu-tiful photos Hazel.

  3. Pretty Blues, how did the drink taste? Any good?

  4. I love this colour blue! For drinks however I prefer orange or red.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  5. Hello Hazel! I really like the first photograph very much. Circles intrigue me. I getting hungry just looking at your blog. I am your newest follower.
    JM Illinois

  6. It can be so stressful to wait in lines to deal with things like that. Glad you were able to get something to eat and make it back in time.

    The boardroom situation sounds pretty awful Glad you came out of it ok! Glad as well that the new passport is complete.

  7. Lovely blue photos and thanks for visiting ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

  8. I'll have to check Inferno out, I know someone told me to read it but I never did and I blow through like three or four books a week.

    1. I have to admit this review ( slowed down my reading speed on Dan Brown's latest blockbuster. But I will finish the book.

  9. I agree with Sally, too. PhD. :)
    you're in London now? Yayyy! Lucky you (and that includes the no-salary deduction thing! galing!)!! so happy for you!
    got the Inferno in my kindle ages ago but haven't gotten 'round to opening it yet. :D

    appreciate much your sharing and linking over at Food Friday, Hazel
    ps. i think i'd go for beer instead of iced tea with that salmon brunch. :P

  10. Oh Maiylah I wish I were in London right now, but when I think of the cold and how it shrinks my skin, I know I'd come running right back to sunny Bangkok.

    I might have gone for beer too if I weren't allergic to the drink. You can give me martini anytime :)


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